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11 Days Xinjiang New Orient ExpressTrain in March

Price from USD 2650 p/p

March Best Time
18 ~ 20 Group Size
3400 Max Altitude
Urumqi, Taxkorgan, Karakul lake, stone fortress, golden grassland, Tajikis village

The very first China Xinjiang New Orient Express train 2024 will be running on March 19, 2024 to discover the ancient silk road route, to explore southern Xinjiang in depth and experience minority culture and food. Discover Xinjiang with the most luxurious train in China in March when apricot flowers are in blossom

Day 1, March 19, 2024 Arrive in Urumqi
Day 2, March 20, 2024 Urumqi- New Orient Express train- Ruoqiang
Day 3, March 21, 2024 Ruoqiang- New Orient Express train- Kashgar
Day 4, March 22, 2024 Kashgar-Karukul lake- Taxkorgan
Day 5, March 23, 2024 Taxkorgan - Stone fortress-Golden grassland-Apricot village
Day 6, March 24, 2024 Taxkorgran- Panlong road-Whitsand lake- Kashgar
Day 7, March 25, 2024 Kashgar- New Orient Express train- Kuqa
Day 8, March 26, 2024 Kuqa- Tianshan Grand Canyon-New Orient Express train- Korla
Day 9, March 27, 2024 Korla- Luoburen village-New Orient Express train- Urumqi
Day 10, March 28, 2024 Day trip to the heavenly lake
Day 11, March 29, 2024 Urumqi departure
Itinerary Details

Day 1, March 19, 2024  Urumqi Arrival

Fly or take the train to Urumqi.  Upon arrival, you shall be warmly welcomed by our guide holding plate with " 欢迎乘坐新东方列车, Welcome on board New Orient Express train".   Our guide and drive shall pick you up according to your train/fight shedule and transfer to our reserved hotel. Enjoy the rest of time on your own

Meal : None

Hotel for reference: Hilton Urumqi or similar

China Xinjiang orient Express train 2024 Golden Diamond room New Orient Express Train

Day 2, March 20, 2024: Urumuqi-(0.5hr driving) Ancient Ecological Park-Urumqi National Museum (0.5hr driving)-New Orient Express - Ruoqiang(BLD)

After breakfast, go to  Ancient Ecological Park (visit time: 2hrs). The scenic area covers an area of 200 acres, with distinctive views in four seasons. Serving the role of protecting Xinjiang’s non-renewable Paleontological species resources, with the purpose of developing and promoting Xinjiang’s ancient ecological culture, collect the unique paleontological species in the geological landforms of Xinjiang’s “three mountains and two basins” terrain.

Neutralize and protect it, and use garden art techniques to copy nature to the greatest extent, play back the original appearance of nature, and reproduce the ancient silk

road civilization and display the unique culture of the Western Regions. The park has China’s largest Akhal-teke(special speice of horse presentation hall, a collection of wild horses with oil paintings by famous domestic and foreign artists.

The museum also has the Jurassic Petrified Wood Protection Base, the Silk Road Science and Technology Museum, the Silk Road Historical Figures Memorial Hall, and the Silk Road Art Boutique Museum.

It integrates eco-tourism, cultural origins, and folk experience, and gathers the rare natural relics of the Western Regions and the cultural essence of the ancient and modern Silk Road in one park. The scenic spot is located in Wu

In the center of Urumqi city, with convenient transportation, there are six themed dining options including Chinese, Western and Qing cuisine, fine wines, and tea shops; it is also adjacent to the ancient garden, which has won the title of "Chinese

The Silk Road Station Cultural Theme Salon, one of the "Top Ten Cultural Theme Hotels in China", has a unique style and a different layout; the Yema Inn, hidden in the ancient garden, is simple, natural and

Next visit will be Urumqi  National Museum  which serves as the window for travelers to understand the history , culture, arts of Xinjiang (visit time : 2 hrs). After dinner, shall board the New Orient Express to Ruoqiang after dinner

Meal: BLD

Accommodation: New Orient Express

 Akhal-teke(special speice of horseAncient Ecological Park

Day 3, March 21, 2024: Ruoqiang-(1.5hrs driving)Milan relics- (1.5hrs driving) Loulan museum -Heruo railway - Kashgar

After breakfast, drive 1.5hr to Milan Relics/Milan Ruins.Ancient Milan was an ancient oasis city in the south of the Taklimakan Desert, located on the Silk Road.

The intersection of Lop Nur and the Altun Mountains on the Silk Road. It was once a busy trading center on the southern Silk Road and an important gateway into and out of Central Asia. In order to avoid crossing this "big desert" ("Takalamakan" means  "Sea of Death" in Uyghur language), the caravan and the Tarim Basin, they often choose to bypass Milan from the north and south. The ruins of the ancient city of Milan are a group of cross-cultural ruins of different ages, including the ruins of Yixun City in Shanshan State, the settlements of the Han Dynasty, the ruins of ancient forts in the Tang Dynasty, etc. Then go to the Loulan Museum (visit time :  1hr). It is the first museum in China with the theme of Loulan culture. The museum integrates the collection, display, excavation and protection of "Loulan" cultural relics. It is a centralized exhibition center for the ancient city of Loulan, the ruins of Milan, Xiaohe Cemetery and other important platforms for historical relics and humanistic resources are an important window for people to have an in-depth understanding of Loulan’s history and culture. 

After lunch, board on the New Oriental Express to visit the world's first desert-circulating railway - Heruo Railway to Kashgar: it is located in the world's second largest moving desert, known as the "Sea of Death"-Takalamakan desert. On the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, about three-quarters of the total length of the road crosses the desert and the Gobi. After three and a half years of hard work, it was finally completed and opened to traffic.  The completion and opening of the railway has completely broken the transportation bottleneck in southern Xinjiang, ending the production and construction of the five counties of Luopu, Cele, Yutian, Qiemo and Minfeng and Xinjiang.

Since the establishment of three regiment fields of the Corps without access to trains, the distance from exiting from southern Xinjiang has been shortened by more than 1,000 kilometers, which has greatly facilitated the travel of people along the route; it is a convenient transportation channel leading to the northwest and southwest regions in China, as well as connecting Central Asia and West Asia. Cotton, walnuts, red dates, minerals and other products along the route can be directly  transported to foreign countries, transportation costs are also reduced by half, truly turning the "Sea of Death" into a "Ring of Hope."

Meal: BLD

Accommodation: New Orient Express

Milan relicsReruo railway

Day 4, March 22, 2024 Kashgar – (3hrs driving)- Karakul lake- (1.5hrs driving)-Taxkorgan (BLD)

In the morning we shall reach Taxkorgan by New Orient Express and then we will drive along the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway to the roof of the world - Pamir Plateau. Along the way, you can enjoy famous landscapes such as the Gezi Canyon, Gezi Station, Liusha River, Red Mountain, etc. Then arrive at Karakul Lake (visit time : 40 minutes) Karakul  means "Black Sea", with an altitude of 3600 meters, a lake of 30m in depth, and a total area of 10 square meters.It is a rare plateau lake in the world, surrounded by ice peaks and snow ridges. You can see the world-famous peaks above 7000m above sea level at close range , such as: Gonggeer Peak (7719m), Gonggeer Jiubie Peak (7530m), and Muztage Peak (7546m). The three mountains stand like jade pillars supporting the sky, standing on the Pamir Plateau, it is very spectacular. Later, we  reach Taxkorgan county, where we had authentic Taxkorgan yak hot pot for dinner, and then checked into the hotel.

Meal: BLD

Accommodation : Qianhai hotel , Yingbing hotel, Ouluoba garden hotels or similar ( No 4 star hotel available in Taxkorgan)

Karakul lakeKarakul lake

Day 5, March 23, 2024 : Taxkorgan -Apricot village- Stone Fortress-Golden Grassland (3.5hrs driving)  (BLD)

After breakfast, go to Kukoshiluk Township to watch Plateau Apricot Blossoms. March to April is the best time for Taxkorgan apricot blossoms to bloom. The villages along the way here is full of apricot flowers in red, pink, and white. Everywhere you park, it is like a feast of colors, and the cold snow-capped mountains and desolate canyons surround these. The apricot blossom forest has strong visual contrast and is full of wild beauty. The villagers work and rest under the apricot trees, and the scenes are like a paradise. Apricot flowers tree has been cultivated in China for 2,000 to 3,000 years. It can be used both for picking fruits and appreciating flowers. Most of the apricot flowers here have grown wild for decades or even hundreds of years.

The old apricot trees have a vigorous posture, with large crowns and drooping branches. The apricot flowers in full bloom are majestic and dominate the spring breeze. Then drive to Stone Fortress (visit time : 1hr).  Stone Fortress is located on the north side of Taxkuljik Autonomous County. It is a famous ancient city site on the ancient Silk Road. At an altitude of 3,700 meters, it occupies an important position from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and the highest point of the city wall reached more than 20 meters. There are multiple layers of broken or continuous city walls built outside the city. The stone hills between the partition walls overlap and the rocks are scattered around the city wall. Piles form a unique stone city scenery. In the early Yuan Dynasty, great construction work was carried out to expand the city walls of Stone City, and the old Stone City was given a new look. In the 28th year of Guangxu's reign, the Qing court. The Puli Hall was built here and the castle was repaired. Afterwards, go to visit  Golden Grassland (visit time : 1hr).Then drive back to Taxkorgan and be a guest in a Tajik home, taste the snacks prepared by Tajik people, learn about the Tajik national culture, and check in the hotel in the evening.


Accommodation:Qianhai hotel , Yingbing hotel, Ouluoba garden hotels or similar ( No 4 star hotel available in Taxkorgan)

Apricot villageGolden grassland 

Day 6, March 24, 2024: Taxkorgan-(1.5hrs driving)-Panlong Ancient Road-(2.5hrs driving)-White Sand lake-(3.5hrs driving)- Kashgar (BLD)

After breakfast, experience Panlong Ancient Road. The entire ancient trail has more than 600 turns. Here you can experience the speed and passion of the Pamirs. Then we will stop at Kaneryang Village which is the birthplace of the folk song "Why Are the Flowers So Red". In the village, you can see the leisurely life of Tajik people. Later,  start the car journey back to Kashgar  and visit White Sand lake and White Sand mountain (referred to as Baisha Lake, visit time:40 minutes). It is famous for its blue sky, white clouds, snow mountains, and sand lake. A  sitee of 3,300 meters above sea level formed by the sand mountains is also a must-see when visiting Kashgar. Check into the hotel after dinner.


Accommodation: Tianyuan International hotel, Kashgar Nanjiang Global Harbor International Hotel, Lisheng Hotel or similar

white sand lakePanlong road

Day 7, March 25, 2024Kashgar –(0.5hr driving)-Id Kah Mosque-(0.5hr driving)-Xiangfei Tomb-New Orient Express- Kuqa ( BLD),

After breakfast, set off to the AAAAA-level scenic spot Kashgar Old Town (visit time: 1.5 hrs) to watch the opening ceremony of the city. Then visit Id Kah Mosque (visit time : 1hr), after lunch visit Xiangfei Tomb (visit time: 2.5hrs) The scenic spot is located in the eastern suburbs of Kashgar City. Xiangfei Tomb is named after "Xiangfei". It is rated as a national key cultural relic protection , the basic renovation was completed in August 2020. After the renovation, the area increased from 70 acres to 300 acres, the architectural style highlights the integration of traditional architecture and modern elements. It tells the story of Xiang Fei from birth to three aspects: hometown, former residence and old friends til her death who married from Kashgar to Beijing, from a noble princess to a legend who is loved by thousands of people.  Later take the New Oriental Express to Kuqa in the evening.


Accommodation: New Orient Express

Xiangfei tombKashgar old city

Day 8, March 26, 2024 Kuqa-Tianshan Grand Canyon-Korla

After breakfast, drive to the ending point of Duku road, here will the stunning view of Tianshan Grand Canyon. Tianshan Grand Canyon is referred to be one of ten most beautiful canyons in China. In Ughur language , Tianshan Grand Canyon means “ Red Cliff”. It located in deep valley surround by sand but with clean and clear spring running inside which is kind of miracle of nature. We shall spend 2 hrs time to explore this grand canyon.

After lunch we will board New Orient Express and head towards Korla.   

Meal plan : BLD

Accommodation : Hotel in Korla

Tianshan CanyonTianshan Grand Canyon

Day 9, March 27, 2024 Korla –(2hrs driving)- Luoburen village –New Orient Express (14 hrs train)- Urumqi

After breakfast, we will drive about 2 hrs to reach “ Luoburen village‘’  a fairtale village  where people live in harmony , they do not farm or breeding animal and live on fishing. It is a primitive minority village not disturbed by outside world. Visit time of this village about 1.5 hrs

After lunch break, we will board New Orient Express train  and train to Urumqi about 14 hours train journey, we will reach Urumqi

Meal plan : BLD

Accommodation : New Orient Express

Note: Foreign passport holders will take alternative program as Luoburen Village not open to foriegners. Hongkong/Maocua/Taiwan citzen are allowed. We will visit Bosten lake instead.Bosten Lake is a freshwater lake on the northeastern rim of the Tarim Basin, about 20 km  east of Yanqi and 57 km  northeast of Korla, Xinjiang, China in the Bayin'gholin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. Covering an area of about 1,000 km, it is the largest lake in Xinjiang and one of the largest inland freshwater lakes in China.

Luoburen villageBosten lake

Day 10, March 28, 2024 :Urumqi- (2hrs driving-)the heavenly lake-(2hrs driving Urumqi  ( BLD)

After breakfast, we will take a day trip to the Heavenly Lake. Highlight for taday: heavenly lake,  situates 2000m up in the Tianshan mountain range and surrounded by ranges of snow mountains, blooming wildflowers, evergreen pine trees. You shall expect a  40-minute scenic shuttle bus ride that twists though the dramatic mountains. Then you can either walk to the lakeside in 10mins or take the electronic cart. 3 ways to explore this scenic point: One: by boating cruise to have the incredible view of Tianshan Mountain. Two : Trekking along the lake in the fresh air. Three: you can explore further to the Maya Mountain by the cable car to enjoy the magnificent view of the Mountains. After the visit, we will drive back to Urumqi for overnight stay

Meal : BLD

Hotel for reference: Hilton Urumqi or similar

the heavenly lakethe heavenly lake

Day 11, March 29, 2024 Urumqi departure(B)

Hotel to airport/train station transfer and end up the service


Price Guide
                                                                                                                                   Price guide
Adult Price Kid PriceSingle room Supplement
Golden Diamond Room31999 RMB/Person

Under 1.2m RMB 6888/Person

1.2m-1.5m RMB 9999/Person

RMB 18000 (For hotel and train)
Upgrade Blue Diamond Room ( 2 pax/room)25999 RMB/PersonRMB 3500 ( For Hotel only)
Blue Diamond Room(4 pax/room)18999 RMB/Person


1.  New Orient Express & local transfer

2.  Accommodation on twin room sharing basis 

3.  Meals mentioned above

4.  Chinese speaking tour guide

5.  Entrance tickets

6.  Insurance

7.  Government tax

8.  Service fee



1.  Trasnport to and leave Xinjiang

2.  Personal expenses (optional activities, shopping, drink, etc.)

3.  Tips

4.  Extra cost caused by force majeure

5.  Single room supplements

Special Notice

1. Loss of vacant seats: Special trains are chartered, and the group organizer pays in advance to buy out the sale. Once a reservation is made, the deposit cannot be refunded. Tourists must contact the travel agency before the group departs.

If the traveler proposes to cancel the group, the travel agency will deduct the deposit of 16,000 per regulations. (This fee is only for the loss of the shop and not the full fare. Our agency has the right to continue to use the spot. After deducting the ticket price for the special train berth, the deduction standard for the remaining expenses is: 7-4 days before the trip, 20% of the travel cost after deducting the berth fee will be charged;30% of the travel fee, excluding bunk fees, will be charged 3 days to 1 day before the trip. On the day of the trip, 50% of the tour fee will be charged.

2. The special train series is chartered. After the contract is signed, tickets cannot be changed, split, changed or refunded.

3. If you do not participate for any reason, the fee will not be refunded, nor will it be exchanged for an item of equal value. If you encounter weather reasons, flight cancellations, road landslides and other natural disasters during the itinerary, manpower will not be available.Due to irresistible factors, the costs and losses incurred shall be borne by the guest themselves!

4. The above itinerary is for reference only. The travel agency can adjust the itinerary according to the actual situation and the special train timetable without reducing the number of attractions or lowering service standards.

The order will be adjusted accordingly; the specific departure, arrival and departure times of the special train shall be subject to the final order of the Railway Bureau and the station dispatch; if the special train arrives late or early, the travel agency has no violation according to the agreement, we will be responsible for coordination and adjusting the itinerary according to the actual situation. We will not reduce the number of scenic spots or lower service standards, but we will not be responsible for financial compensation; due to the policy of special trains

If the special train fails to make the trip due to reasons or the number of people in the group does not reach the number of people on the special train, then the regular bus will be taken instead or a full refund will be given.

5. If the itinerary is delayed or changed due to force majeure factors, the travel agency will not be responsible for the resulting losses and liabilities, and the expenses incurred will be borne by the guests themselves; If tourists temporarily give up sightseeing, dining, accommodation, etc. due to personal reasons, our agency will not refund fees if actual losses are caused.

6. The itinerary is a unified quotation, and no ticket discounts are refundable, please understand!

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