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12 Days Xinjiang New Orient Express Train Tour in April

Price from USD 2650 p/p

April Best Time
18 ~ 20 Group Size
3400 Max Altitude
Urumqi, Taxkorgan, Karakul lake, stone fortress, golden grassland, Tajikis village

In April, China Xinjiang New Orient Express train will take you to discover the hidden gems of Xinjiang from North to the south, enjoy most best apricot flowers in Tuergen village, find the ancient historic ruin in Milan and loulan relics, enjoy the beauty of syram lake and Tianshan grand canyon.

Day 1:Arrive in Urumqi
Day 2: Urumqi- New Orient Express(5.5hrs) – Jinghenan station – Syram lake
Day 3: Syram lake – Kazanqi Folk village -Yining (BLD)
Day 4: Yining- Tuergen Apricot valley (2.5 hrs driving)- Yining- Kuqa (BD)
Day 5: Kuqa-Tianshan Grand Canyon-Kashgar(BLD)
Day 6: Kashgar – Taxkorgan (BLD)
Day 7 : Stone fotress-(10 minutes driving)-Golden grassland(10 minutes driving)- Whitesand lake (2.5hrs driving)-Kashgar (3.5hrs driving) (BLD)
Day 8 : Kashgar- Yingjishaxiaodao museum (1.5hs drivng)-Shchache Yerqiang Khan Palace(1.5hrs driving)- Kashgar (3.5hrs driving)
Day 9: Kashgar – Idk Mosque-Xiangfei tomb-Ruoqiang (BLD)
Day 10: Ruoqiang-Milan relics(1.5hr)- Loulan museum (1.5hr)-Heruo railway – Korla(BLD)
Day 11: Korla – Luoburen village – Urumqi(BLD)
Day 12: Urumqi departure Hotel to airport transfer and end up the service
Itinerary Details

Day 1 Urumqi Arrival

Fly or take the train to Urumqi.  Upon arrival, you shall be warmly welcomed by our guide holding plate with " 欢迎乘坐新东方列车, Welcome on board New Orient Express train".   Our guide and drive shall pick you up according to your train/fight shedule and transfer to our reserved hotel. Enjoy the rest of time on your own

Meal : None

Hotel for reference: Hilton Urumqi , Wanda Vista Urumqi or similar

China Xinjiang orient Express train 2024 Golden Diamond room New Orient Express

Day 2: Urumqi- New Orient Express(5.5hrs) – Jinghenan station – Syram lake

After breakfast, board the New Orient Express to Jinghenan station, about 5.5 hrs , reach the destination, then change to car and drive to Syram lake ( visit time :90 minutes)

Syram lake was the largest cold water lake with highest elevation in Xinjiang, it is referred to be the last tear drop from the  Atlantic ocean with flowers of colors spreading around the lake in the spring under blue sky and the sun light shining on the lake surface, make it breathtakingly beautiful.

Meal: BLD

Accommodation :Featured local hotel near Syram lake

Syram lakeSyram lake

Day 3  Syram lake – Kazanqi Folk village -Yining (BLD)

Get up late and have a leisure breakfast, stroll freely around the lake or cycle around the lake. Enjoy the beauty of the lake til lunch time. We will head toward Yining and on the way shall pass by Guoziguo Bridge– the gateway to Yili River Valley. Guoziguo acts as the door keeper of Yili , cost 2.4 billion to complete the constructions with a total length of 700m, the height is of 200m,all using steel truss structure, using domestic special-purpose bridges.The beams are made of 17,000 tons of steel and are connected with high-strength bolts, with installation accuracy controlled within two millimeters. The bridge is the first cable-stayed bridge on the highway in the autonomous region and the third in the country. A highway steel truss cable-stayed bridge with twin towers and twin cable planes.

After some driving, we will reach Kazaqi folk village (visit time: 1 hr). This folk village has greatly preserved their tradition and living style. There are many century-old houses on both sides of the streets and alleys, which are quite representative of Central and Western Asia and the traditional culture of "Talanqi". Each small street has its own unique style, and each alley has its own unique charm. The hardening of the road, the paving, the shape of the gatehouse facing the street, the painting, the direction, size and appearance of the houses are absolutely not similar, they are very different and have a European feel. And the architectural styles of Central Asia and West Asia. It is simply a world architecture museum, which is quite beautiful and dizzying.

Meal : BLD

Accommodation :Yining Tianyuan hotel, Yiling hotel, Yilihe hotel or similar

Guozigou bridgeKazanqi folk village

Day 4  Yining- Tuergen Apricot valley (2.5 hrs driving)- Yining- Kuqa (BLD)

After breakfast, we shall move to Tuergen Apricot Valley ( visit time :4 hrs). April is the best time to sightseeing Apricot blossoms in Xinjiang. Tu’ergen Apricot village locates in Tuergen village of Yili, is the largest wild apricot flowers field in Xinjiang, also the largest remnant of the Middle Ages. The original wild apricot forest is concentrated on the north bank of Gongjisi River, covering an area of more than 30,000 acres. It is one of the areas with relatively concentrated wild apricot forests in Xinjiang. The rain of flowers, with pink branches and fragrant wind, is as bright as clouds. Being in it is like walking in a flower mountain and a sea of flowers, and you feel like you are in a fairyland

Then we will board the New Orient Express to Kuqa

Meal: BD

Accommodation : New Orient Express

Note: Apricot blossoms are seasonal attractions. If the apricot blossoms in Turgen Xinghuagou will bloom early in April 2024, we wil visit Daxigou Apricot Blossom instead.

Tuergen Apricot valleyTuergen Apricot flowers

Day 5 Kuqa--Kashgar

We will reach Kuqa about noon time by New Orient Express, after lunch drive to the ending point of Duku road, here will the stunning view of Tianshan Grand Canyon. Tianshan Grand Canyon is referred to be one of ten most beautiful canyons in China. In Ughur language , Tianshan Grand Canyon means “ Red Cliff”. It located in deep valley surround by sand but with clean and clear spring running inside which is kind of miracle of nature. We shall spend 2 hrs time to explore this grand canyon

Then we will board New Orient Express and head towards Kashgar  

Meal plan : BLD

Accommodation : New Orient Express

Tianshan Grand CanyonTianshan Grand Canyon

Day 6 Kashgar – Taxkorgan (BLD)

Early in the morning, we shall arrive in Kashgar and drive along the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway to the roof of the world - Pamir Plateau. Along the way, you can enjoy the Gezi Canyon, Gezi Station, Liusha River, Red Mountain, etc. famous landscape, arrive at Karakul Lake (visit time: 40 minutes).  Karakul means "Black Sea", with an altitude of 3600 meters, a lake depth of 30 meters, and a total area of 10 square kilometers. It is a rare plateau lake in the world. It is surrounded by ice peaks and snow ridges. You can see the world-famous peaks above 7000m above sea level - Kunlun Mountains up close, such as: Gonggeer Peak (7719m), Gonggeer Jiubie Peak (7530m), Muztage Peak (7546m). Three mountains stand tall, like jade pillars supporting the sky, standing tall in the sky. The Pamir Plateau is very spectacular, and then we will go to Taxkorgan county, where we will have authentic Taxkorgan yak hot pot for dinner, and then check into the hotel.

Meal plan : BLD

Accommodation :Qianhai hotel, Yingbin hotel or similar ( no 4 star hotel available in Taxkorgan)

Karakul Lake Karakul Lake

Day 7 : Stone fotress-(10 minutes driving)-Golden grassland(10 minutes driving)- Whitesand lake (2.5hrs driving)-Kashgar (3.5hrs driving) (BLD)

After breakfast, drive to Stone Fortress (Visit time: 1 hour). Stone Fotress is located on the north side of Taxkorgan Autonomous County and is a famous site on the ancient Silk Road. With an altitude of 3,700 meters, it occupies an important position and is majestic. From the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, expansion and garrisoning continued, and the highest point of the city wall reached more than 20 meters. There are many buildings outside the city. The city walls are intermittent or continuous, the stone mounds overlap between the partition walls, and the rocks are piled up, forming a unique stone city scenery. In the early Yuan Dynasty, stone city underwent extensive construction and expansion. The old Stone City has a new look. In the 28th year of Guangxu's reign, the Qing government established Puli Hall here and repaired the castle. Then go to see  Golden Grassland (visit time : 1 hour). Take photos and take a break. Afterwards, we took a bus to a Tajik home to be a guest, taste the snacks prepared by the Tajik people, and learn about the Tajik people.

Afterwards, we drove back to Kashgar and visited White Sand lake and White Sand mountain (referred to as Baisha Lake,visit time:40 minutes), which is characterized by blue sky, white clouds, snow. The original ecological picture of 3,300 meters above sea level formed by mountains, sand lakes and sand mountains is also a must-see when visiting Kashgar. Check into the hotel after dinner.

Meal plan : BLD

Accommodation :Qianhai hotel, Yingbin hotel or similar ( no 4 star hotel available in Taxkorgan)

whitesand lakePamirs plateau

Day 8 : Kashgar- Yingjishaxiaodao museum (1.5hs drivng)-Shchache Yerqiang Khan Palace(1.5hrs driving)- Kashgar (3.5hrs drving)

Morning we will drive to Yingjisha County to visit Little Knife Village  (visit time : 1hr) to experience c the historical, cultural, craftsmanship and forging of Yingjisha Little Knife. It stands out with its exquisite shape, beautiful patterns and sharp edges. Later, we went to the village which was rated as “the most beautiful leisure village in China” by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. Take a tour to Tu Pottery Village, experience the unique clay pottery art of Xinjiang, and follow senior folk clay pottery artists to make unique Uyghur folk handicrafts: Glazed wares, pottery plates, pottery pots, pottery pots and commonly used folk pottery crafts, etc., you can personally experience the making of earthen pottery and feel the intangible cultural heritage brought by charm.

Next stop would be Shchache Yerqiang Khan Palace(visit time: 1.5hrs). Yarkand is located between Taklimakan and Dawakun Great Gobi, so Yarkand. The Yerqiang Khan Palace is often called the palace in the desert. The palace is actually not very big, but it is extremely exquisite. It is mainly blue and yellow and looks very unique. pattern

The symmetry and patterns are arranged regularly, giving people a sense of entering a world where a kaleidoscope can change. Courtyards, roofs, corridors, walls, colors, everything, it has a different kind of exotic style and then back to Kashgar for overnight stay

Meal : BLD

Accommodation : Kashgar Tianyuan hotel, Yuexing hotel ,Lisheng hotel or similar

Little Knife Village Shchache Yerqiang Khan Palace

Day 9 Kashgar – Idk Mosque-Xiangfei tomb-Ruoqiang (BLD)

After breakfast, we will visit Kashgar old town(visit time: 1.5hrs) to watch the opening ceremony of the city and visit Idk Mosque (visit time: 1hr). After lunch visit Xiangfei Tomb, also called Abakh Hoja Tomb(visit time : 2hrs).  The scenic spot is located in the eastern suburbs of Kashgar City. Xiangfei Garden is named after "Xiangfei". In 1988, it was rated as a national key cultural relics protection unit. Construction and upgrading began in 2014, and the basic renovation was completed in August 2020. After the renovation, the area covers an area from 70 acres to 300 acres. The architectural style highlights the integration of traditional architecture and modern elements. It tells the story of Xiang Fei’s life from three aspects: hometown, former residence and old friends. From birth to death, from Kashgar to Beijing, from a noble princess to a legendary story with thousands of favorites;

Then we will board New Orient Express for Ruoqiang ( about 14 hrs)

Meal : BLD

Accommodation : New Orient Express

xiangfei tombkashgar old city

Day 10: Ruoqiang-Milan relics(1.5hr)- Loulan museum (1.5hr)-Heruo railway - Korla

After breakfast, drive 1.5hr to Milan Relics/Milan Ruins.Ancient Milan was an ancient oasis city in the south of the Taklimakan Desert, located on the Silk Road.

The intersection of Lop Nur and the Altun Mountains on the Silk Road. It was once a busy trading center on the southern Silk Road and an important gateway into and out of Central Asia. In order to avoid crossing this "big desert" ("Takalamakan" means  "Sea of Death" in Uyghur language), the caravan and the Tarim Basin, they often choose to bypass Milan from the north and south. The ruins of the ancient city of Milan are a group of cross-cultural ruins of different ages, including the ruins of Yixun City in Shanshan State, the settlements of the Han Dynasty, the ruins of ancient forts in the Tang Dynasty, etc. Then go to the Loulan Museum (visit time :  1hr). It is the first museum in China with the theme of Loulan culture. The museum integrates the collection, display, excavation and protection of "Loulan" cultural relics. It is a centralized exhibition center for the ancient city of Loulan, the ruins of Milan, Xiaohe Cemetery and other important platforms for historical relics and humanistic resources are an important window for people to have an in-depth understanding of Loulan’s history and culture. 

After lunch, board on the New Oriental Express to  Korla.

Meal: BLD

Accommodation: New Orient Express

Milan relicsReruo railway

Day 11 Korla –(2hrs driving)- Luoburen village –New Orient Express (5 hrs train)- Urumqi

After breakfast, we will drive about 2 hrs to reach “ Luoburen village‘’  a fairtale village  where people live in harmony , they do not farm or breeding animal and live on fishing. It is a primitive minority village not disturbed by outside world. Visit time of this village about 1.5 hrs. The village area covers the Taklimakan Desert, wandering lakes, Tarim River, primitive Populus euphratica forest, Grassland and Robe people. Deserts, inland rivers, green corridors and the Silk Road meet here to form a natural landscape of golden quality. The Luobu people are relatively popular in Xinjiang, one of the ancient ethnic groups, they live next to Xiaohaizi on the banks of the Tarim River. They "do not grow grains or herd livestock, but only fish in small boats for food." Let's continue inward, going deeper, you can see large tracts of Populus euphratica along the Tarim River, and then reach the vast "China's largest desert" [Taklimakan Sand-Takalamakan desert, you can ride camels here (personal entertainment project, at your own expense). Then go to the Pear Blossom Park to watch the pear blossoms. Korla is also known as Pear City. Korla. April is the season when fragrant pears are ripe, and large pear blossoms are in full bloom, attracting many flower lovers to come and enjoy them!

 In the afternoon, take the New Oriental Express to Urumqi about 5 hours train journey, we will reach Urumqi

Meal plan : BLD

Accommodation : Hilton Urumqi , Wanda Vista Urumqi or similar

Note: Foreign passport holders will take alternative program as Luoburen Village not open to foriegners. Hongkong/Maocua/Taiwan citzen are allowed. We will visit Bosten lake instead.Bosten Lake is a freshwater lake on the northeastern rim of the Tarim Basin, about 20 km  east of Yanqi and 57 km  northeast of Korla, Xinjiang, China in the Bayin'gholin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. Covering an area of about 1,000 km, it is the largest lake in Xinjiang and one of the largest inland freshwater lakes in China.

Luoburen villageBosten lake

Day 12  Urumqi departure(B)

Hotel to airport/train station transfer and end up the service


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