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Famous Attractions in Shannan/Tsedang

Last updated:Nov 18,2022; By: Alice; Hits: 89

Shannan, also known as Tsedang, is located in the catchment area of the Yapan River, hence its old name of Yapan. The region is the headstream of the Tibetan nation and culture. The 1st Tibetan ancestors moved to Shannan about 40 or 50 thousand years ago. During the early years of the 2nd Century BC, the first Tibetan Kingdom started from here. A famous fairy tale passing around is about a monkey evolving into the first human beings. The first farmland and village, the first king and palace as well as the first monastery of the high land were also all established here. That's why Shannan Prefecture is also called the culture cradle of Tibet.

Yamdroktso Lake

On the old road to Gyantse (4040m) from Lhasa City, you can see the famous dazzling Yamdroktso (4441m) from the Gangbala Pass (5030m). When in sunny days, the lake is like a fabulous shade of deep turquoise. On the way back to Lhasa, we will also see the Karola Glacier (5045m), with its awesome roadside views of the Nojin Kangtsang Glacier. Due to the close distance, normally speaking, 5 days would be enough for the Yamdrok Lake tour. 

Samye Monastery -The 1st Monastery

Built in the 8th century, Samye Monastery is the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet. Being famous for its sacred mandala design, the central temple symbolizes the legendary Mount Meru, center of the universe. It is also a popular pilgrimage destination for many Tibetan Buddhists, some of whom travel on foot for weeks to reach it.

Yumbulakang Palace - The 1st Palace

It was the oldest building in Tibet as a palace for the leaders. It has a small scale, but it stands on the peak of the mountain, which makes it more spectacular. Viewing from the distance, it looks like a smaller Potala Palace.

Trundruk Monastery

Trundruk Monastery is one of the earliest Buddhist temples in Tibet. It is said that the Trundruk Monastery was built by King Songtsan Gampo and later became the winter palace for the King and Princess Wencheng in Tsedang. The very original layout of this monastery has only 6 pillars. It's 1 of the earliest 12 worshipping halls. Legend has it that the Trundruk Monastery is even older than the Tibetan first official monastery -- Samye Monastery, may be more than 100 years.

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