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【News】Sacrifice the Minority for the Majority?

Last updated:Nov 19,2022; By: Alice; Hits: 50


As the number of patients increased, the authorities decided to requisition some  dormitories and turn them into temproray medical center which can provide about 5,400 beds for patients with slight symptoms to relieve the huge pressure of the hospitals in Wuhan.

The 4 universities/colleagues are Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering, Jianghan University, Wuhan Institude of Shipbuilding Technology, Wuhan Business University.

The dormitories currently empty due to the winter holidays, and it makes sense to make use of them when the number of patients continue to grow and hospital resources are scarce.

After the announcement, the students showed their support and understanding.


However, some students from Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engeering found that the notice only asked for five buildings, but in fact all the domitories were expropriated.

The rough treatment of students' personal belongings and the deceptive notice are really annoying.

Students' clothes, shoes, books, private stuffs, etc. were thrown away like rubbish.


Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering

After the incident came to light, the college was forced to issue an apology letter online and promised to make compensation for the loss of the goods after verification.


What should be done with this mess in the meantime?

How to verify the loss after the event? Should the students provide the receipt or proof of the price? What if it's some handmade gift sent by the grandmother or something meaning nothing to you but priceless to me?

How to compensate to the students? Will the college buy the same stuff for the students or just pay the cash?

Not mentioned at all...


Wuhan Business University

Wuhan Business University let 100 temporarily recruited male security guards to stay in girls' dormitories at night. These people used girls' personal stuff (beds, quilts, etc) directly without any notice to the students in advance.

Some people even secretly rummaged through the girls' items, shoot videos and put them online.

Personal information were leaked and some guards even tried to add the students via Wechat based on the student ID cards in their domitories.


The person who took the video contacted the police and was willing to make a public apology.

The university also issued a notice and guarantee that there would be a more standerdized policy to make sure students' privacy.



During the hard times, we always justify some abnormal behaviours or actions.

We lockdown Wuhan to make sure the virus won't spread out.

Doctors and nurses from other provinces are willing to go to Wuhan, risking their lives.

We give up freedom and lock ourselves at home.

Police work around the clock at each check point without any complaint.

People donate masks, medical goods, food and even their lifetime savings, believing that it will help to fight against the virus.

As a Chinese, we would like to sacrifice whatever possible, as long as it's for the bigger picture.

However, can the sacrifice be treated more humanely and carefully?

Some doctors are refused to enter their own community because the neighbours think it's risky to let them in as they work in hospitals.

Some nurses are kicked out by their landlords just because they think the virus may be carried home.

The students are willing to provide their domitories at the special time but shouldn't their privacy and their treasure be taken good care of as well?

We believe that there is a long way to go but let's see how the Jianghan University handles this matter.


Jianghan University

After receiving the notice, the university recalled a number of teachers and dormitory administrators to pack the domitory.

All the stuff, even their idols' posters were labled and stored properly.


News of the NCP

Until 10:07 Feb. 12, 44,742 cases of novel coronavirus were confirmed in China, among which 1114 died, and 4774 were cured and discharged. There are still 16067 suspected cases.


Good News

The number of newly confirmed cases in 30 provinces (except Hubei Province) and cities across the country dropped for 8 days!!


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